Vaccination Resources for Expecting & New Parents
As a mother of 2 young boys, a doula, and a childbirth educator, I always seek to help my clients make informed, educated decisions when it comes to parenting their newborn babies. One of the ways I do that is by sharing various resources on related topics, and vaccination is one of them. Routine childhood vaccination is a hot topic, as there tends to be very polarizing viewpoints on the subject. By compiling all of these resources together, it is my hope that you will be able to come to a decision regarding vaccination not by coercion or fear, but by true informed consent.
Mama Bears Project (Vaccinations during Pregnancy & Breastfeeding)
-A project dedicated to sharing information from experts regarding how your baby can be affected by decisions you make before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and while nursing.
-A collection of research and information regarding vaccines and the infectious diseases they aim to prevent.
-A website and Instagram account that guides parents and caregivers on how to read a manufacturer insert and how to make educated and empowered medical decisions.
-An organization whose mission is to create a healthier world by educating and empowering people to step outside of the traditional medical system that profits off of keeping us sick.
Vaccine Information and Choice Network
-A website compilation of a number of vaccine-related articles, links, and studies.
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
-A United States program for vaccine safety, co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA.) VAERS is a database that collects information about adverse events and possible harmful side effects that occur after the administration of vaccines to ascertain whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify the continued use of any particular vaccine.
The Vaccine Schedule Through the Years
-A compelling article piece that discusses the history of vaccinations in the United States, the increase in the number of recommended vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule, and the impacts of those changes.
The Scary Truth about Childhood Vaccines by Dr. Kylie
-This episode interviews LaKrista O'Dell, a registered nurse that is now a nutrition response test practioner. She discusses vaccines and natural alternatives to them, why you should detox from them, how many vaccinations you are really giving your child (because it's more than you may think!), how vaccines may not be the only thing affecting your child's health, and why you should educate yourself before giving your child vaccines.
Birthing Instincts Episode #46 Vaccines: Pros and Cons
-This episode interviews pediatrician Dr. Ed Sarraf about the pro's and con's of the routinely given childhood vaccinations.
The Truth about Vaccines with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny
-This episode interviews Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. This episode was designed to be a reference that supplies the basic information that everyone should know about vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry. The founder of the Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, Dr. Tenpenny, is a well-recognized name across the world is known for helping people get well and symptom free from disease without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
Wise Traditions Episode #275 Health Freedom: The Power of Choice
-This episode interviews Del Bigtree, the host and producer of the internet talk show, The Highwire, and the producer of the documentary "Vaxxed." In this episode, he discusses the dangers and the opportunities that come at this pivotal time. We have the chance to defend our ability to choose what happens to our bodies, even as threats appear on the horizon to encroach on that freedom. He discusses the plans in the works for an adult vaccine mandate in the United States, the many organizations working together to increase public awareness of vaccine risks, and how we can defend our health freedoms. And he emphasizes the importance of defending bodily autonomy for our sake and the sake of our children.
“Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” by Anonymous
-A book that will resolve the vaccine question for you, once and for all. By the time you finish reading, not only will you see the answer clearly for yourself, you will also have the scientific references and specific quotes at your disposal that prove it – more than 1,200 of them – all from mainstream scientific papers and textbooks, the official publications of relevant government agencies, or manufacturers’ documents. The book consolidates a great deal of information (accompanied by detailed analysis) that is scattered in hundreds of medical articles, books, and websites. All discussion is presented in clear and easy-to-understand language, so no medical education is required. It presents several original concepts in addition to laying a robust scientific foundation for the more established ones. The book is intended for parents overwhelmed by conflicting messaging on this important topic, but it is also an excellent reference for medical researchers and professionals who seek a better understanding of vaccine safety science.
“The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child” by Dr. Robert Sears
-A book that offers parents a fair, impartial, fact-based resource from the most trusted name in pediatrics. Dr. Bob devotes each chapter in the book to a disease/vaccine pair and offers a comprehensive discussion of what the disease is, how common or rare it is, how serious or harmless it is, the ingredients of the vaccine, and any possible side effects from the vaccine.
“The Vaccine Friendly Plan” by Dr. Paul Thomas and Dr. Jennifer Margulis
-A book that presents Dr. Paul Thomas's proven approach to building immunity: a new protocol that limits a child's exposure to aluminum, mercury, and other neurotoxins while building overall good health. Based on the results from his pediatric practice of more than eleven thousand children, as well as data from other credible and scientifically minded medical doctors, Dr. Paul's vaccine-friendly protocol gives readers:
- recommendations for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth
- vital information about what to expect at every well child visit from birth through adolescence
- a slower, evidence-based vaccine schedule that calls for only one aluminum-containing shot at a time
- important questions to ask about your child's first few weeks, first years, and beyond
- advice about how to talk to health care providers when you have concerns
- the risks associated with opting out of vaccinations
- a practical approach to common illnesses throughout the school years
- simple tips and tricks for healthy eating and toxin-free living at any age
Vaccines 2.0: The Careful Parent's Guide to Making Safe Vaccination Choices for Your Family
-The CDC’s bloated vaccine schedule has doubled since 1988, after the federal government gave pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits. Autism and other childhood disorders like asthma, ADHD, juvenile diabetes and digestive ailments have skyrocketed. And parents are understandably nervous, desperate for objective guidance that takes those concerns seriously. Vaccines 2.0 is a book that looks at the lengthy roster of today’s recommended injections, the documented risks that accompany them, and helps parents choose a schedule based on unbiased, uncensored, unconflicted science. From whether to get a flu shot during pregnancy-and how to avoid dangerous mercury if you do-to the Hepatitis B vaccine within hours of birth, to the controversial Gardasil vaccine for preteens, Vaccines 2.0 provides the tools to decide for yourself.
“A Shot in the Dark” Documentary by Candace Owens
"Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe" Movie directed by Andrew Wakefield
"Vaxxed II: The People's Truth" Movie produced by Robert F. Kennedy
Vaccination Alternatives
Homeopathy for Infectious Disease and Childhood Illness
-A course made possible by Jennie Hoglund and Kathy Yeo, both Certified Classical Homeopaths. In this course, they explore homeopathy's role in providing support during acute infectious illnesses. They cover an overview of homeopathy, how it works, as well as top remedies you can use at home. While NOT a substitute for medical care, this class will cover topics like: Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Chicken Pox, Strep Throat, Smallpox, Influenza, Polio, and more.